Intense Pulse Light (IPL) Therapy

Achieve youthful, radiant skin

Your go-to solution for reducing signs of aging, pigmentation, vasculature, acne, and other skin conditions. Best for targeted areas such as UV spots, or hyperpigmentation on small areas.

Learn more about the treatment

What is IPL Therapy?

Intense pulsed light (IPL) is a cosmetic skin treatment. People may use it to reduce the signs of aging, pigmentation, vasculature, reduce acne, or remove unwanted hair. An IPL treatment uses the power of broadband light to deliver pulses of intense light to penetrate the layers of the skin. Most clients describe experiencing a fast, pinching sensation during treatment, with minimal discomfort. There is no need for injections or incisions, giving patients the bonus of no downtime required.

How does it work?

IPL works on the same principles as laser in that light energy is absorbed by targeted cells (chromophores) with color in the skin. The light energy is converted to heat energy, which causes damage to the specific target area. IPL systems are different to lasers in that they deliver many wavelengths (or colors) in each pulse of light instead of just one wavelength.

This technology use filters to refine the energy output for the treatment of certain areas. This enhances penetration without using excessive energy levels and enables targeting of specific chromophores (skin components that absorb light). The light heats cells in the skin and breaks them down. The body then removes the damaged tissue naturally.

How does it differ from other laser treatments?

Unlike lasers, IPL sends out more than one wavelength of pulsating light. It can treat a range of skin conditions at the same time. After IPL, you may look younger because your skin tone is more even. While laser therapy uses a set wavelength depending on the procedure, intense pulsed light therapy uses multiple different wavelengths of light released in pulses. You can think of it as a strobe light passing along the skin.

IPL isn’t a focused beam like a laser. It instead is dispersed beams of light that work together. As the light penetrates down to the second layer of skin, it allows the cells to absorb its energy, heat up, and eventually destroy the pigmentation within the cell. This is how age spots, other discoloring blemishes, moles, birthmarks, and rosacea are diminished.

What conditions does IPL address?

Skin tone, wrinkles, photoaging, skin rejuvenation, photo-facials, sun damaged skin, uneven pigmentation, scars, spider veins, vascular lesions, rosacea, acne, and hair reduction.

Does it help with aging / stimulate collagen?

IPL will stimulate collagen growth by treating a deeper layer of skin, while improving texture, and reducing the appearance of fine lines and wrinkles.

How does it feel?

During the procedure, people may feel a pinching sensation. Some individuals have described this as a feeling similar to an elastic band being “snapped” on the skin. Sensation is moderate and very tolerable. You will be given eye shields to wear to protect your eyes.

How long does a treatment take?

An average session takes approximately 30-45 minutes.

When will I see results? How long do they last?

For Pigment - It will take four to six weeks to see the full results from a single treatment, however you should see dark spots fade and slough off within a week. Freckles and age spots may darken for three to seven days before starting to fade. If you complete a series of treatments about one month apart, the maximum results will be visible in two to three months after the last treatment.

For Veins - The results of IPL begin to appear right after treatment and continue to improve over the next few days to weeks. It does take some time for veins to fully collapse and be reabsorbed by the body, so full results cannot be seen right away. If symptoms accompanied the spider veins, they are usually relieved immediately after treatment.

Will I need to take time off?

The short answer is no. Healing after an IPL treatment varies with the client, although in most cases takes less than a week and as little as a few hours to days. Immediately after the treatment you may notice some minor redness and swelling, similar to that of a sunburn. Ice packs or a cool washcloth can be used as needed. If treating freckles and other dark spots, you may experience dryness and flaking of the treated area. Some of the spots may appear darker, but they should slough off within a few days.

Are there any side effects?

Mild complications of IPL include: Redness, swelling, light bruising, itching, peeling, and scabbing.

How many treatments will I need?

Depending on the indication of treatment, for best IPL results it is generally recommended that patients receive, on average, 3-4 sessions scheduled four weeks apart.

What do I need to do pre-treatment?
  • A consultation and examination are necessary prior to IPL Therapy. 
  • Avoid significant sun exposure and tanning beds for at least 4 weeks prior to your treatment.
  • Avoid applying self-tanner for 2 weeks prior to treatment.
  • Avoid aspirin and Ibuprofen for one week prior to your treatment. Inform the practitioner if you are taking blood thinners or regularly take aspirin or ibuprofen.
  • Avoid alcohol for 2 days prior to treatment.
  • Inform the practitioner if you have taken Accutane (oral acne medication) in the past year.
  • On the day of appointment, if possible, arrive without creams or make-up on the treatment area.
What do I need to do post-treatment?
  • Use mild cleansers and moisturizers.
  • You can apply makeup immediately after an IPL treatment if desired.
  • Avoid Aspirin, Ibuprofen, alcohol, heavy exertion and activities which may cause flushing for 2 days after treatment.
  • Avoid harsh topical products such as retinols and glycolic acid products for one week after.
  • Avoid direct sunlight on the treated area and use a broad-spectrum UVA/UVB sunscreen of SPF 30 or greater for 4 -6 weeks after your treatment.
  • Avoid heavy exertion and activities which may cause flushing of the skin for three days after treatment.

Booking comes with complimentary assessment to check if you are suitable for this treatment. You'll only be charged after treatment.

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To ensure you achieve your desired results and get the most out of your investment, we only sell this treatment as a package of 3 sessions.

Depending on your desired area, treatments starts at $199/session.*

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*Ask us about payment plans. Treat now, pay later available.